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25 Testimonio / 166 Historias de Éxito
LadyboyKisses let opportunies for many people to find love and hapiness, and they're proud to share it with you.
ghasenina  y
mykel 14 Aug 2012
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Matt  y
Maybelle 12 Aug 2012
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Thank you ladyboykisses.
So many beautiful ladyboys too many hearts that could be broken so many opportunities for love.
I have met my beautiful maybelle on here and I hope tha we can be together soon.
Good luck to everyone he and hope that you find the love and happiness you're looking for always.
Xoxoxoxoxox here is to hoping my future can become a reality.
Paolo  y
Dawn 08 Aug 2012
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Dear Amministration,
I am glad to announce you that I have found on your precious site, my special and unique woman Dawn :
Thank you a lot for all this.
Hello Ladyboy Kisses!
Thank you so much since because of this wonderful and romantic site I finally found the one of my life, my loved one!
We will be meeting soon! I'm so happy for having him in my life now! I hope that it will turn out great after we have our first meeting in person. I want to give him the best moments while he is here with me here in my country.
I really do love my Paolo, my Piccolo, I want to cherish all the love that we had before meeting and after our first meeting in person!
Thank's so much Ladyboy Kisses site! Because of him I'm consistently happy with my life, my loved made me see how beautiful life is, he made me realize that I need to change myself for better and not for worst, that includes changing my actions, thoughts and perception in life to become a better individual.
Thank you so much Ladyboy Kisses site! More power and keep it up!
Love lots Dawn.
Paolo (68 Años) Italia, Milan [WAX6777]
Dear Amministration,<br><br>I am glad to announce you that I have found on your precious site,<br>my special and unique woman Dawn :<br><br>http://www.ladyboykisses.com/view.php?l=en&id=55164<br><br>Thank...
Paolo (68 Años) Italia, Milan [WAX6777]
Dear Amministration,<br><br>I am glad to announce you that I have found on your precious site,<br>my special and unique woman Dawn :<br><br>http://www.ladyboykisses.com/view.php?l=en&id=55164<br><br>Thank...
Paolo (68 Años) Italia, Milan [WAX6777]
Dear Amministration,<br><br>I am glad to announce you that I have found on your precious site,<br>my special and unique woman Dawn :<br><br>http://www.ladyboykisses.com/view.php?l=en&id=55164<br><br>Thank...
Paolo (68 Años) Italia, Milan [WAX6777]
Dear Amministration,<br><br>I am glad to announce you that I have found on your precious site,<br>my special and unique woman Dawn :<br><br>http://www.ladyboykisses.com/view.php?l=en&id=55164<br><br>Thank...
Paolo (68 Años) Italia, Milan [WAX6777]
Dear Amministration,<br><br>I am glad to announce you that I have found on your precious site,<br>my special and unique woman Dawn :<br><br>http://www.ladyboykisses.com/view.php?l=en&id=55164<br><br>Thank...
Paolo (68 Años) Italia, Milan [WAX6777]
Dear Amministration,<br><br>I am glad to announce you that I have found on your precious site,<br>my special and unique woman Dawn :<br><br>http://www.ladyboykisses.com/view.php?l=en&id=55164<br><br>Thank...
Paolo (68 Años) Italia, Milan [WAX6777]
Dear Amministration,<br><br>I am glad to announce you that I have found on your precious site,<br>my special and unique woman Dawn :<br><br>http://www.ladyboykisses.com/view.php?l=en&id=55164<br><br>Thank...
John  y
Alfie 04 Aug 2012
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Thanks to LBD!!!!!
I have met the lady I've been hoping to find. We now talk off-line and are going to meet soon. We both believe we have found love,and thanks to you, we will soon be together forever!
Love you Alfie! You are my sweetheart!
Mac 19 Jul 2012
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I want to thank you for the service you provide in search of happiness.
With passion and light we put our energies for find the right person for share life together
Mathias 07 Jun 2012
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Hallo everybody!
This is for all of you to make you aware of what could be, based on my experiences...
Firstly I want to state what a great site LBK is, in my opinion. It's everythig, the way it's created, the name (kisses sounds sp much like love...) and much more. Nevertheless it's a dating site and those always include some risks. The fact that it's about transgender people from often poorer countries is maybe also important. But all in all this site is a huge progress for ladyboys and paople wanting to meet them.
In my experience about 60-80%, maybe even more ladyboys here are looking for money. Just for you to be aware. Maybe that's also true the other way around. I mean I guess there are also like 60-80% of men, maybe more, looking for some kind of sex (cam, cyber, real,...). So always be aware of that and take a closer look at who you want to date. Often you can also guess from the profile what could be, I mean. On the other side of course it's not that easy. I mean men wanting sex is something natural I guess, so don't be too judgemental on that. Of course just sex is no good for a relationship. The same is true for money. Decide for yourself. I guess girls and also ladyboys from poorer countries expect some support from thier boyfriends. It's also a cultural thing, I guess, as the situation in Asia concering money support might be different. Nevertheless be aware and decide for yourself what is acceptable and what's not. And for the girls that are really looking for love: be aware that in western culture there is a thin line between asking for money and being a whore. So it's your desicion. And, of course if you contact a person that is without a job and you want to become her boyfriend, I guess it's a normal thing the ladyboy expects you to support her when she's living of like 1-5 percent of your income... On the other hand I personally would never support somebody I haven't met in person.
I tried this service once and contacted like 10-15 ladyboys. Some just asked for paper, some didn't seem interested, some acted a littel strange. E.g. when I told them honestly I was talking to 5 more ladyboys at the same time they stopped talking to me... Why? Men pay like 1800 PHP for being allowed to talk to ladyboys. Are we expected to just contact one by one? And after one moth that's another 1800 PHP. I think that's stupid. But I talked to 3 of them for longer. And finally decided to meet one in person. It was a good desicion to do so and we had a great time together. I was in my mid 20s at that time. We liked each other. I visited a second time 10 month later. It was always good, but I realized a lot of things during this year: Long distance relationships are just useless. You should consider that or they will ruin your relationship on the long run, no matter how. It's possible for a short time, but no longer. So if you are looking for something serious keep in mind you should create a sitiation that enables you to live in the ladyboys country of you should "marry" the ladyboy and live together in your country. But of course you have to decide whether it's possible you introduce her to your parents and friends, because that's also included here. I wasn't able to do both at that time so I had to end it. In my case there were also some other facts that were important: Money. At first the two visits there were quite expensive there. To fly there from Germany it was like 1000 Euros, just the flight. That's like 60.000 PHP for the flight back and force. Plus the hotel and activities there. Quite a lot. And my ladyboy also started to ask for some money after some time. I gave her some, but decided I had to end everything at the same time. Additionally I noticed she gained like 8-10 kg during those 10 month without me. Maybe due to the fact she could affort a taxi and more sweets. Maybe it was also supported by the pills she took, but also due to her lifestyle. Well, it was quite disappointing to see how the money was "invested"... Maybe it's expected too much and may sound superficial, but considering the fact that I lost 10 kg during this time and looked superhot that was also not what I expected.
So that's my experience. I can tell you it's worth a try. You can have an amazing great time. My ladyboy lived in the Phillipines and people there are very friendly and I met a lot of nice people there. I was taken care of very good. I was e.g. introduced to her family during my first visit. And I might go there again when I've earned enough money to afford so. As long as you are able to live together the whole time or most time of the year I can only say: give it a try. I also belive my relationship would have been different and would still exist if I was able to live together from the time on we first met. Well wasn't ment to be. And to the ladyboys here: please realize that it's a huge step to go for a relationship for a western man. It's expensive to do so and also takes a strong man to really go for it and to adhere to his ladyboy. Always treat him well, support and respect him, because it's a rare thing to find.
I've paused my search for now, maybe continuing it later, under better circumstances.
I want to end by wishing everybody the very best success with their search. And please keep in mind that this site is for people looking for love and a good relationship with each other so always be fair and good to the people you meet. Or you could influnece and stop them from looking for love here forever.
I Love you all! Take care and good luck! M.
PS: Every misspelling is my copyright ;)
Amara  y
Donald 04 Jun 2012
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First thanks to Ladyboykisses because I have met my soul mate. He is Donald from USA, we met last year in Cancun and it was a great time. He is a good man (the best I have ever met), he shows me how important I am for him and we have plans to get marry soon. Altough it was not my dream going to USA now I wanna be with my love and I'll go to there this year. We had a perfect match since we met first time we share likes and a lot of things in common.
Thanks God because after some mistakes I finally found a good man for me. I mean someone who loves me the same way I love him.
I want you in my life foverer Donald.
Amara (54 Años) México, Puebla [AMA5215]
Hello!<br><br>First thanks to Ladyboykisses because I have met my soul mate. He is Donald from USA, we met last year in Cancun and it was a great time. He is a good man (the best I have ever met), he shows...
Amara (54 Años) México, Puebla [AMA5215]
Hello!<br><br>First thanks to Ladyboykisses because I have met my soul mate. He is Donald from USA, we met last year in Cancun and it was a great time. He is a good man (the best I have ever met), he shows...
Amara (54 Años) México, Puebla [AMA5215]
Hello!<br><br>First thanks to Ladyboykisses because I have met my soul mate. He is Donald from USA, we met last year in Cancun and it was a great time. He is a good man (the best I have ever met), he shows...
Amara (54 Años) México, Puebla [AMA5215]
Hello!<br><br>First thanks to Ladyboykisses because I have met my soul mate. He is Donald from USA, we met last year in Cancun and it was a great time. He is a good man (the best I have ever met), he shows...
Amara (54 Años) México, Puebla [AMA5215]
Hello!<br><br>First thanks to Ladyboykisses because I have met my soul mate. He is Donald from USA, we met last year in Cancun and it was a great time. He is a good man (the best I have ever met), he shows...
Amara (54 Años) México, Puebla [AMA5215]
Hello!<br><br>First thanks to Ladyboykisses because I have met my soul mate. He is Donald from USA, we met last year in Cancun and it was a great time. He is a good man (the best I have ever met), he shows...
princess ronnel  y
jeff,,, 30 May 2012
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I would like to thank Ladyboykisses for making my dreams come true.
Finally I found the one for me! It's really a blessing to meet Jeff!!!!
The love of my life is a very nice person, loyal, honest, loving. I love you with all my heart and soul! I promise I will do my best to make you happy!
Thanks for your unconditional love! You are one of a kind! I will love you until the end!
Thanks for this site because here is where I found my future husband!!!!!
Once again thank you so much and god bless us all guys,,,,,,,,,,,
Mike  y
Bea 21 May 2012
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I came across LBK when surfing the net. At first I just looked around the site not thinking that these kinds of sites really work. Out of a whim I decided to purchase a membership. After setting up my profile, I was flooded with contacts. I felt like a kid in a candy store. So many choices. At first it was fun and I had over 50 contacts on my list. Then I knew that I needed to getting this list down to one. I made a decision that I would base my choice on the area that I would travel to. I chose the NCR. I finally narrowed my choices down to two. What agony, how to pick one. I did and made the trip to Manila. The trip itself was an adventure and was baffled on how to find Bea in the crowds of people. I was about to give up when I saw her walking toward me. The recognition was immediate as was the core excitement. Bea and I clicked insantly, even though we had chatted only for a couple of weeks. Bea and I spent the next 6 days in constant company. I do not think I could have ever found such a wonderful person such as Bea if not for this site. We are in daily contact and are making plans for my retirement next year. We plan on me going to the Philipines and living with Bea for the rest of my life. I cannot believe my good fortune, and look forward to my retirement rather than looking at an empty life as before.
Rick 13 May 2012
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I am deleting my profile after only a week...there are some beautiful girls on here, unfortunately many are really looking for something more than what their profile indicates (money?) It's a shame, because it creates an air of cynicism for others looking to make a real connection. To those of you who are REAL, good luck in your search, Rick
Barbie, if you read this I think you're wonderful!
cher  y
frank 05 May 2012
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Thank you soooooooo much Ladyboykisses!
I already found my soul mate in the first week of June! I'm leaving to Germany to start a new happy wonderful life with him.
I'm sooo proud of Frank! He is a nice loving person! We are planning our marriage in germany.
Words just can't express my happiness!!!!!
Once again: Thank you soooo much LADYBOYKISSES! You are the best!!!!!!
Ralph  y
Angela 20 Apr 2012
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Dear All,
Angela and I met in LadyboyKisses and we clicked immediately. I am glad and excited that I met an honest and truly understanding person that I have been looking for.
It is also important to mention that Angela did understand me so well and in return I am determined to have a very positive impcat in her life that will ultimately lead us to live together in my home country.
The plan now is that we will meet next month although will be talking daily and I am so comfortable being with her.
They say finding a good ladyboy is difficult but I think it is not that difficult once you do the right search and Angela was for sure my luckystrike.
Always have faith and stay positive and good things will happen. Thank you Angela for becoming part of my life for good.
Michael  y
Jodi 19 Apr 2012
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Hello to all members of this site! Before I will delete my profile I want to tell everybody in here about what happened and why I will leave lbk now forever:
In February this year I met my soulmate Jodi in this site. We started our first conversation and this did last more than 3 hours… After this we met every day chatting and starting knowing each other better and better. When talking we felt that there was so much that did connect our hearts and souls – so we decided to meet in real.
End of March I was able to have some days off from work so I booked a flight to the Philippines to meet Jodi over there. And I have to say that we have had a wonderful time together and I am so very sure now I have fond the most beautiful, loving kindest and serious person in the whole wide world and have fallen in love with the most beautiful woman I can imagine. My wonderful Jodi and I really have fallen in love and we are talking and communicating every day by ym, sms or phone cause it was so very hard for both of us that I had to leave again. But I will go back to the Philippines in July and we both are hoping this will be the beginning of a new life together!
All this is because we met in this site and so now we don´t need an account in here anymore. A big, big “thank you” to lbk making this possible and making Jodi and me so very happy! Hopefully we will marry soon and live together in love.
The only thing to say to all the other members who are searching seriously in here is – don´t give up, for sure there will be a soulmate for you too, you only have to find a serious one that will touch your heart very deeply!
Bye forever in here and much luck with your searching! Yours sincerely, Jodi and Michael.
Angel  y
Robert 07 Mar 2012
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Hello people in this site Ladyboykisses,
Before anything else i would like to thanks this site, I'm so happy here!
After long years I finally found my special someone. He is very kind and and honest with me, and for me I'm so honest with him. I opened my my heart to him because I love him so much for the rest of our life! Thank to my future husband M.R Robert
Now we plan to get married...
Thank you Ladyboykisses!!!!!!!
I'm so happy this site and proud!!
Girls that look forward to the serious love: good luck!!!!
Apple (39 Años) Filipinas, Manila [ANG3532]
Hello people in this site Ladyboykisses,<br><br><br>Before anything else i would like to thanks this site, I'm so happy here!<br><br>After long years I finally found my special someone. He is very kind...
Apple (39 Años) Filipinas, Manila [ANG3532]
Hello people in this site Ladyboykisses,<br><br><br>Before anything else i would like to thanks this site, I'm so happy here!<br><br>After long years I finally found my special someone. He is very kind...
Mocha  y
Andy 13 Feb 2012
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I am thankful to this site, because it gives me luck in finding the man who loves me despite of who I am... But god had taken him away from me. I know he (Andy) is up there in heaven now and he is always guiding me and protecting me. I wish that in his guidance, I can find someone like him in this site again... I am one man woman. and once I fall in love, I devote myself into him. I hope that with this second search of mine to find my lifetime half, will not take me too long to wait. and im wishing that I can find a man who is honest, and has word of honor and integrity. a man who will never hurt me and never lie to me. Let love lead the way....
To Andy, I always pray for you every morning and every night, hoping that your spirits will guide me through, until I found my paradise...
Thanks, Ladyboykisses!
Mocha (38 Años) Filipinas, Malate Manila [MOC9554]
I am thankful to this site, because it gives me luck in finding the man who loves me despite of who I am... But god had taken him away from me. I know he (Andy) is up there in heaven now and he is always...
Mocha (38 Años) Filipinas, Malate Manila [MOC9554]
I am thankful to this site, because it gives me luck in finding the man who loves me despite of who I am... But god had taken him away from me. I know he (Andy) is up there in heaven now and he is always...
Mocha (38 Años) Filipinas, Malate Manila [MOC9554]
I am thankful to this site, because it gives me luck in finding the man who loves me despite of who I am... But god had taken him away from me. I know he (Andy) is up there in heaven now and he is always...
Bee 06 Jan 2012
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I once believed all was true... I tried to delete my previous account for the purpose of our relationship, I was thinking our journey in searching was finally done. So true... I feel the sincerity, we had plans, we are good.. but it doesn't last long, with no explanation, sacrificing your time to wake up early morning just for the sake of conversation.
Being a ladyboy, is hard, sometimes we feel like a craft or a toy which you can play for a while and get another tape to play more games.. some mens don't care about the feelings.. But yet, I was very THANKFUL to LADYBOYKISSES.com - for giving me way to learned something, be hurt and stand again to be strong. This is a journey that I could remember for the rest of my life.. I will let you go now MARK, promised me to be happy.
Bee Bernabe
Trisha  y
Lars 03 Dec 2011
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Thank You Ladyboykisses Now we are Happy Living Together now
Monalisa (40 Años) Filipinas, Manila [MAR1345]
Thank You Ladyboykisses<br>Now we are Happy Living Together now
Monalisa (40 Años) Filipinas, Manila [MAR1345]
Thank You Ladyboykisses<br>Now we are Happy Living Together now
Alysa Mae  y
Tobe 03 Dec 2011
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I was so happy that I became a member of this site, because of this site I found the man of my dream.. The man who will love me unconditionally.. I was so happy that I found Tobe... He completed my life.... I love him so much! and I hope our relationship will remain forever,,,, thanks for LadyboyKisses...
John  y
John 05 Nov 2011
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I thank soo much Ladyboykisses for giving me the chance to meet the most genuine and loving person here who changed big thing in my life for the better!
We finally got married last Oct. 20, 2011 in the eyes of God as our witness together with my family and friends..I can't wait to live my life with my hubby in Australia very soon!!
Once again,thank you and May God bless us all!!!
John (32 Años) Filipinas, Ozamiz City [JOH4329]
I thank soo much Ladyboykisses for giving me the chance to meet the most genuine and loving person here who changed big thing in my life for the better!<br><br>We finally got married last Oct. 20, 2011...
John (32 Años) Filipinas, Ozamiz City [JOH4329]
I thank soo much Ladyboykisses for giving me the chance to meet the most genuine and loving person here who changed big thing in my life for the better!<br><br>We finally got married last Oct. 20, 2011...
John (32 Años) Filipinas, Ozamiz City [JOH4329]
I thank soo much Ladyboykisses for giving me the chance to meet the most genuine and loving person here who changed big thing in my life for the better!<br><br>We finally got married last Oct. 20, 2011...
John (32 Años) Filipinas, Ozamiz City [JOH4329]
I thank soo much Ladyboykisses for giving me the chance to meet the most genuine and loving person here who changed big thing in my life for the better!<br><br>We finally got married last Oct. 20, 2011...
John (32 Años) Filipinas, Ozamiz City [JOH4329]
I thank soo much Ladyboykisses for giving me the chance to meet the most genuine and loving person here who changed big thing in my life for the better!<br><br>We finally got married last Oct. 20, 2011...
John (32 Años) Filipinas, Ozamiz City [JOH4329]
I thank soo much Ladyboykisses for giving me the chance to meet the most genuine and loving person here who changed big thing in my life for the better!<br><br>We finally got married last Oct. 20, 2011...
John (32 Años) Filipinas, Ozamiz City [JOH4329]
I thank soo much Ladyboykisses for giving me the chance to meet the most genuine and loving person here who changed big thing in my life for the better!<br><br>We finally got married last Oct. 20, 2011...
John (32 Años) Filipinas, Ozamiz City [JOH4329]
I thank soo much Ladyboykisses for giving me the chance to meet the most genuine and loving person here who changed big thing in my life for the better!<br><br>We finally got married last Oct. 20, 2011...
John (32 Años) Filipinas, Ozamiz City [JOH4329]
I thank soo much Ladyboykisses for giving me the chance to meet the most genuine and loving person here who changed big thing in my life for the better!<br><br>We finally got married last Oct. 20, 2011...
John (32 Años) Filipinas, Ozamiz City [JOH4329]
I thank soo much Ladyboykisses for giving me the chance to meet the most genuine and loving person here who changed big thing in my life for the better!<br><br>We finally got married last Oct. 20, 2011...
Megan  y
Brian 23 Oct 2011
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A wonderful life I have ever had...